As we all know, this year has been a total whirlwind for a multitude of reasons. I've been spending more time over the last several months to focus on keeping my mood balanced and not fall into the trap of feeling too anxious over things that I can't control. I think self care has an entirely different meaning for each person, but I wanted to share the self care rituals that have helped me wind down and feel rejuvenated during these crazy times.
Reading More
This is one that honestly still surprises myself because I've never been much of a reader, but as the days get shorter I've found myself wanting to crawl into bed a half hour earlier than usual and use that time at the end of the day to read a few chapters of a book before going to sleep. I'm currently reading the Star Wars book Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray which is a story of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's dynamic before the events of Episode I. We've watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy twice during quarantine, so I think I'm going to read through The Hobbit next. There's something so cozy and comforting about reading before bed! It helps turn off my brain before sleeping.
(Skincare) Face Masks
Face masks have an entirely new meaning now! While it's very important to wear masks when you're out and about, I've been spending a lot more time doing skincare masks. As I mentioned in a previous blog about my skincare routine, my face has been a lot oilier this year and overall more acne-prone. I've been waking up a little earlier than usual to shower, put on a face mask, and relax for a few minutes before washing it off and getting my day started.
Bubble Baths
Taking a bath is another time when I put on a mask and turn off my brain. I love soaking in a bubble bath to calm my muscles and force myself to chill out for a bit. The Dr. Teal's Foaming Bath with Milk and Honey is my absolute favorite bubble bath. It's really creamy and doesn't dry out my skin at all. I love getting out of a bath and putting on my comfiest pajamas!
Facetiming Friends & Family
I live completely across the country from all of my family and most of my friends, so even before the pandemic I was using Facetime to connect with my loved ones. I've been setting aside time every weekend to call my family and friends to catch up, make sure they're doing okay, and share stories from our weeks. It's been nice to stay connected with everyone even though I'm not sure when I will get to travel home again.
Ritual Cleaning
This one might not sound relaxing at all to most people, but I've been having a nice time cleaning every weekend. I like to put in my AirPods, turn on a podcast, and clean the house for an hour while the laundry is going. I love folding laundry (weirdo over here!) and having fresh, clean sheets. My favorite thing about Sunday is getting into bed at the end of the day with clean pajamas and clean bedding. It's so calming! I also love to clean my desk and tidy things up in my office space to make sure I can get off to a good start on Monday morning.
Bullet Journaling
I really want to do an entire post on the benefits of bullet journaling since I started it back in January, but the short version is that bullet journaling helps clear my mind and it's so fun to be creative every Saturday when I'm setting up my weekly spread for the days ahead. I've been gathering new pens, stickers, and washi tape to decorate my journal each week. It's been a little creative outlet and helps me focus on the tasks I need to complete in the next week.
How are you practicing self care this year? I'd love to hear about the things you're doing to spend more time on yourself. Share your self care rituals in the comments below!
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